The knife is beautiful and fits in my large hands securely. The contouring on the front and back of the handle makes for a secure and comfortable grip in different positions. I prefer it to my Eggen for this reason. The blade came razed sharp out of the box. My only complaint is the sheath. I don’t like the appoint. Which looks juvenile and gimmicky to me. But that’s just aesthetics. My real problem with the sheath is the poor fitment of a plastic insert. Ir does not sit flush with the side of the sheath like in my other Helle sheaths and tends to catch on the blade when I put the knife back in the holster. The knife draws easily enough and is very secure in the sheath, but I have to carefully a lie in the knife to put it back in. I think this is a quality control rather than a design issue.
5/5 for the knife. 2/5 for the sheath.