Lauri-Progressive Tempered-90

Sale price$29.75 USD

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
J.J. Ward: Hawkwood Spoons and Reefpoint Boat Co. (Stewartville, US)
Lauri PT-90 blades

The two Lauri PT-90 blades I recently purchased were put into handles with brass and nickel-silver bolsters; sheaths were also made. They're gifts for a friend's family members. I'd previously use the PT-95 blades for similar utility knives but like these better as they are wider and have more of a curved cutting surface. This shape makes them more suitable for a Norwegian Bruksniv style handle and only 1/2" shorter than the PT-95. The handles for these two knives (image) both used walnut burl but pieces of ebony & curly birch were added to make each unique..


#Lauri-PT-90; (90x27x3.25mm) This is a stouter blade for skinning or heavy duty tasks. The blade is about 3 1/2" long, 1 1/16" wide, and .130" thick. The tang is about 5 1/8" long.

May be paired with the 21*32*3-SHAPED bolster shown below.

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